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Core Values
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CLC Vision
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RightNow Media
Fresh Start
Life Groups
Foreign Missions
Local Missions
After School Ministry
Upcoming Events
Church Calendar
Facilities Reservations
Making thriving disciples of Jesus, who make more disciples of Jesus
CLC Serve Application
First Name
Last Name
Best Contact Number
Best time to call you:
During the day.
In the evening.
Email Address
When did you start attending CLC?
Have you made a personal commitment to follow Christ?
Not Sure
If yes, what year?
Please list any church-related volunteer experience:
Is there a specific ministry role in which you'd like to serve?
Not sure.
Potential Serve Options (not all listed): Please choose what you'd be interested in learning more about.
Kids Ministry
Youth Ministry
Worship Team
Prayer Team
Local Missions
Foreign Missions
AVL Team
Photography Team
Greeter Team
Usher Team
Security Team
Guest Connection Team
Life Group Team
Free After School Ministry Team
Hope Packs
Crisis Team
Heavenly Stitchers
Media Team
Event Set-Up/Clean Up
If yes, please list the ministry / role:
Please list two references who can attest to your character and work ethic, along with the best way to contact them.
Reference #1 Name
Reference #1 Best way to contact:
Reference #2 Name
Reference #2 Best way to contact:
Criminal Record Check
If you are applying for a position that requires a criminal record check, please complete this form and return to Pastor Liz. Positions that require a criminal record check are marked with a C in the SERVE book. NOTICE TO VOLUNTEERS REGARDING BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION I understand that a consumer report (background screening report) and/or an investigative consumer report (reference checks and/or interviews) that may include information from public or private sources regarding my character, driving records, criminal history, court records (both civil and criminal), qualifications and experience, work habits, and/or other information relevant to my volunteer service may be obtained in connection with my application as a volunteer with Christian Life Church of Chambersburg, PA. I understand that, if I am approved for volunteer service by Christian Life Church of Chambersburg, PA, this background check authorization will be kept on file and may be used at any time during my service to procure further information when, in the judgment of Christian Life Church of Chambersburg, PA, such may be necessary. I hereby release and discharge to the extent permitted by law, Christian Life Church of Chambersburg, PA, its employees, any individual or agency obtaining information for Christian Life Church of Chambersburg, PA, and any personal or professional reference, from any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, or other expenses arising from the retrieving, reporting and/or disclosure of information in connection with this background investigation. I understand that I am volunteering my services and declare in no way shall I be considered an employee or subcontractor or independent contractor of Christian Life Church of Chambersburg, PA.
Digital Signature
By placing my initials and today's date in the box below I certify that I have read the above statements, understand and consent to the above. I further authorize that a photographic copy, digital copy, or a telephonic facsimile of this document shall be valid for purposes present and future. My initials and today's date below certifies that all information I have provided in connection with this background check is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Your legal name. |First & Middle| |Last|
First Name
Last Name
Email Address for the records check instruction. (Required)
You will receive an email with instructions on how to complete your criminal record check. ***If you don’t have an email address, please see Alicia Stough.
Thank you! Someone from the serve team will contact you soon.