This page was specifically designed just for you! So whether you’re just starting your faith journey or you’re rededicating your life, this page is dedicated to helping you take your Next Step! You don’t have to go through them in any particular order, just as long as you start somewhere!
We’re glad you’re here and we are here to help on your journey!
7 day devotional
We’ve created 7 days of devotional videos just for you! In this series, you’ll hear mini teachings (devotionals) from our pastoral team that are geared towards helping you take the next step in becoming a disciple (follower) of Jesus Christ.
Attend The Start Here Lunch
New To Christian Life Church? Want To Get More Involved At CLC?
Start Here. We would love to have you join us! Our staff is excited to get to know you and answer any questions you may have. We will also share the story of CLC and talk about ways you and your family can get connected.
**Lunch and childcare are provided. Registration is required.**
Sign up for the next baptism!
What is baptism? It’s an outward display of what’s taken place on the inside of you! Baptism is publicly declaring that you are choosing to die to and bury who you used to be (submerging under the water) and are now choosing a new life in Jesus Christ (coming out of the water)!
Join a Life Group
We were never meant to do life alone. Joining a Life Group allows you to link arms with other believers so that when the hards times come you’ll have people to walk through them with you. Each Life Group discusses the Word of God and how it applies to your life today. At every Life Group, you’ll start or finish the night with a meal together. I mean who doesn’t love to eat right?
Discover Your Spiritual Gift
As a follower of Jesus, exploring and exercising your spiritual gifting is a vital and exciting part of your spiritual journey. “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.” - 1 Corinthians 12:4 NIV
Take a quick test to discover your God given gifts. The gifts test is designed to be taken quickly during a single sitting, and typically takes 5 minutes to complete. We encourage you to be open and honest. Enjoy!
find somewhere to serve
Did you know that God has a unique purpose and plan for you? God has given you spiritual gifts and abilities that He desires for you to use to make an impact on the lives of others. What an incredible thought that we can be a part of making a difference for God!